On Human Emotions: Inspired by the musical, The Waitress

matter by Heather Lynne
Watching this music video while on the umteenth day in quarantine, I remembered something a very anti-empathetic person once said to me. One day while chatting about musicals and listening to Hamilton with two past acquaintances/friends, I recommended The Waitress to these die-hard Hamilton fans. The older woman of the two turned to me in disgust and said something like,

"The Waitress?" Her words dripped in contempt, she continued, turning her face away from me.
"Why would I want to listen to a musical about LITERALLY just baking stuff? They are just singing exactly what they are doing...Stupid." 
But isn't that was all musicals are--stories of people and them singing about their lives? Haha.

 There's so much complexity to the human emotion that every story captivates a person in different ways. The raw honestly of this character is seen and felt within the metaphor of baking pies. (Goodness, could my negative-Nancy acquaintance not understand this simple metaphor about life?)

Some people in this world would immediately discount this seemingly simple woman and her life at a small-town diner and look no further into the merit of her deep emotions. 

I've started to realize in getting older (in my wise old age of 30...XD) that we see our life in chapters when we look back on ourselves. We should all take the advice of musicals and sing (or just, ya know...process) what is weighing on our hearts about the past in order to understand the future--especially in this self-reflection time of the quarantine. 

This song made me cry the first time I heard it because this singer so perfectly encapsulates these complex emotions of the character's brokenness. And you can read the emotions clearly on this actor's face.

A person can not like this style of music, and may not relate to her story, sure, but you can't deny that this has a valuable, in-depth portrayal of the human emotion.   


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