
Showing posts from January, 2020

Our Maeby

Maeby is seven years young, and currently an only fur-child. I had been nagging my boyfriend (now my hubby) that his dog needed a companion because she was getting older and seemed lonely. A friend on Facebook said she found two dogs abandoned on the side of the road while on a day-trip outside the city somewhere. The puppy was the most perfect, sweet-faced, little pot-bellied, golden retriever baby. I knew from the moment I saw her on that Facebook post, that I had to have her. I discussed it with my parents (who I lived with at the time) and boyfriend (hubby)--my parents made it clear that they would not be financially responsible or end up cleaning up after her or any of her other many needs. I had just graduated from college, and was pretty much living at my boyfriend's (hubby's) house. My hubby agreed that he would care for her with me, and thus, our journey with Maeby began.  I went to meet her and instantly fell in love. She had the sweetest demeanor and happy-go-lu